Monday, December 27, 2010

Stage Mom

When our church said they were looking for young ones to participate in the elementary school musical, Mr. Owen's ears perked up. So, after much deliberation, we took the plunge and dove into the world of children's productions.

Aah, his father's son...

Thankfully, Miss Patty has this gig near-perfected and the organized practices were only once a week for one hour after church. The rest of the practice fell on our shoulders. How so? Miss Patty gave all the kids a recorded CD of the music and a DVD of the dances to practice at home...and in the car...and at the park...and anywhere else the songs popped into Owen's head.

Ready to go...He even wrote invitations to all his teachers at school and invited his best friend from preschool, Trinity.
That's Owen and Trinity runnin' wild after the performance and sugar cookie reception. I did say Miss Patty has it near perfected. Sugar cookies at 7:30 pm on a school night? Well, it was the holidays.

By the time the performance rolled around, you could tell which kids in the audience were younger siblings because they were the ones singing along and doing the hand motions in the pews. Even June sways in the car to the 3 songs Owen performed in the musical.

His part? A cowboy.
The kids retold the story of Jesus' birth from the perspective of toys at a store. The cowboys acted like the shepherds, and in the end, the kids and toys realized that the greatest gift anyone could receive at Christmas was the gift of love that God gave us through his son Jesus.

Here's the cast of toys. Lots of cowboys, cowgirls, Bo Peeps, and aliens to be had at this store! The aliens as the wise men ("Take us to your leader!") were a hoot!

Owen got to be on the first row which was great for his safety and difficult for his focus!

Owen and his posse.

Owen was fascinated by Miss Glamour on the left. Those 5th grade girls!

He found me during dress rehearsal. June found Owen during the performance and yelled "OWEEE! OWEEE!" more times than the family in front of us appreciated, I'm sure.

The opening number! Yep, that's more than 200 elementary school kids. God bless Miss Patty and her crew!

Happy as a clam!

It was a blast to see Owen enjoy himself in a new environment, and it was great to share the night with friends and family!

That's How He Rolls

I think the last time I posted about bowling was the summer we moved to Fresno (check out how much Owen has grown), but we love to bowl as a family.

Thanks to a great Groupon, Michael and I treated the extended Arnold family to an afternoon of bowling over Thankgiving break.

Cool breeze Owen wanted to wear his shades.

The comeback walk...

We had 10 adults and 7 children rockin' the Brunswick Lanes, and it was great! It was so much fun that we convinced my side of the family to do the same for our Christmas get together (where we had 8 adults and 7 kids). We added prizes to that shin-dig, and I'm proud to say that Owen won for High Score: Kids/Bumpers. He bowled a 99!!!!!

So, who says Wii bowling is a waste of time?!

Also, here's a shout out to my uncle Art for his clutch performance, beating me in the last frame with a strike for High Score: Adults. Kudos to you, sir!

Auntie Again!

On November 10, 2010 I became an aunt again. Michael's siblings all have children, and this year, my brother announced to the family that he and his wife Stephanie were also expecting a child. Stephanie asked me to attend the birth, and I was elated to do it. So elated in fact that I received my first speeding ticket EVER on my way to the hospital to meet up with them. Actually, I was so distracted by the corn dog I was chowing down on the way that I didn't notice the speed limit. I think the mustard still on my lip might have offended the officer, and thus, I am on probation in the city of North Richland Hills. :( Back to the important part of this story:


Stephanie keeps us updated on all things Gordon, including his birth story on her blog, so I'll let her tell about that wonderful evening. Plus, she has way more pictures than me of that sweet baby. When I'm around him, my hands are full of him, not a camera!

As for me, here are 3 Great Things About Being an Aunt Again

*It makes you appreciate how big your own "babies" are. Seriously, when did June become 38 inches tall?

*At a birth, you get to scream out of joy, not effort! I was so honored and overjoyed to be a witness at Gordon's birth. You'd have to ask Stephanie about my future as a birthing coach, but I love being able to help Lee and Stephanie in whatever way they needed me then, now, and in the future.

*You appreciate your sibling in new ways. Lee is an amazing husband to Steph, and if you know them, you've seen it yourself. Still, to see him love and support her in the ways that she needs, both as a wife and as a mother, is so affirming of the man he is. He'll never be my "little brother" now that I've seen him as a father!

Overall, this experience has reminded me that, although my parents never had another girl, in Stephanie, I have a sister. I love her, the wife she is to Lee, and the mother she is to Gordon.

Join me in praying for them to bask in the richest blessings God is pouring out on their family!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

While the Cat's Away...

...the June-bug plays.

Game of peek-a-boo in Owen's boots.