Friday, September 18, 2009

To our Favorite 4 Okies...

Our college buddies Crystina and Ryan came down I-35 from Oklahoma to visit us on their way to Houston. Crys was my college roomie and Ryan my Spanish class buddy. Ah, Cupid's mysterious ways...5 years later, husband and wife. God has been so good to us with them because we all 4 get along and can maintain friendship over years and miles.

Here is Hendrix (3) and Owen (4) playing nice. I'd suggest Owen as a roommate for Hendrix in the future, but Hendrix, be warned: he does still wet the bed.

Michael and their daughter, Gentry. I sense girlie play with June is in her future. She senses Rogaine in Michael's future. ;)

Like a moth to a flame...the Hot Wheels track is awesome...along with the retro Fisher Price car garage that my parents had saved since Lee.

Here's to good friends. Next time, it's our turn to cross the state line!

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