One of our first outings was to the roller rink. After skating with the kids for over an hour, I saw a sign that said no parents on the rink. Come on, momma needs some exercise! AND, no one else was skating backwards, so how are these kids ever gonna learn?
Here is my 10 year old niece and me:
Here's the whole crew. I wish I could tell you what Owen's sign represents, but all I know is that I'm glad we're not in some of my old neighborhoods when he throws that thing.
Owen and I have a silly picture every summer, so here is the one that represents this year.
Owen and my nephew, who turned 7 this fall. I like how he squatted down to be on Owen's level. It was nice to see K-dog being the leader (good practice for a second born) and Owen being a follower (even better for a first born) some of the time. least Owen and June helped distract them from each other. No shame, it's just a long summer at home with your little bro or big sis...arguments are bound to happen. Thankfully, this was a temporary truce.
I think Keely is stretching her neck a little bit...she compares our shoe sizes every time we meet to see when she will pass me. I think I only have a few months left before I'm dwarfed by a tween.
Last observation, the limbo is not as easy as it once was...
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