Saturday, November 24, 2007

Moving Day Now and In the Future?

For those of you who wondered if the adultescents were ever moving out of the house, the answer is "Yes!"

After 5 fantastic months of hospitality and intergenerational living at the McNeeses, the Arnold's will be moving this weekend to an apartment about 10 minutes away. Knowing that Mom and I both post on this blog doesn't influence the following statement: the past months have been such a blessing. To be able to transition from our community life in California into this one hasn't been easy. But having both of our extended families SO close (others might say too close) helped us transition so much better than I imagined.

So, Mom and I have been logging a lot of time on Craig's List, looking for furniture, and next weekend, we'll be plenty busy moving the stuff from storage into our new place.

On future moves, Michael finished the last of his internship applications and mailed it off on Friday! Yahoo! Now we wait to see where he gets interview offers. This means that in the summer we could be moving back to LA, staying in Texas (San Antonio, Denton, DFW, and Temple), crossing the Red River into Oklahoma, or moving to the east coast to either North or South Carolina. Nothing like options, right? I feel like my prayers regarding internship sites are like a handful of seeds scattered out on the ground...we'll see what sprouts up.